Social Responsibility

Work should be fun and we strive to ensure that our employees are ready to go the extra mile and meet our customers with motivation, helpfulness, and competence.

Our three core values; Trust, Fairness and Corporation reflect the way we work and our willingness to create a positive change for all. They are all expressed in the way we associate with both colleagues, customers and suppliers on a daily basis, and we work hard to create and maintain a fair and inclusive work environment.  

SA8000 certified 

We believe that the only way to create long-term success is to treat all our stakeholders in a responsible way.  

In our "Flex Department", we offer jobs for employees who need to work under special conditions – permanently or temporarily. At the same time, we are part of an official effort to integrate refugees in Denmark into the Danish labor market. 

Acting socially responsibly and in a fair and just manor are important pillars in our own production setup, which is why our main factory in Denmark has attained the SA8000 certification – the leading social certification standard for factories and organizations worldwide. Our accredited certification means that we as a minimum comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions. 

Read our SA8000 policy here 

Global commitments 

It is important to ABENA that our partners follow the same standards we do and we encourage our suppliers to act in a responsible manner.  

We are proud Signatories of the United Nation's Global Compact (UNGC) and support the Foreign Trade Association's Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI). Each year, we report the results of our work with social and environmental responsibility with these organizations. 

UN Global Compact 
Since 2002, we have supported the UNGC initiative at a Signatory level. The UNGC assists the private sector in the management of complex risks and opportunities in environmental, social and governance issues.  

We comply with the UNGC’s 10 principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, and it is important to us that our partners follow the same standards we do. Each year, we complete a status report to create transparency in how we conduct our business and show our accountability. 

As of 2020, 85 % of our suppliers have signed our Code of Conduct, which is based on the UN Global Compact.   

We strive to promote trade and create social improvements across our entire supply chain, and have therefore joined the BSCI. We endorse and apply the BSCI Code of Conduct instituted and governed by the FTA and require that our suppliers meet a long list of requirements. 


We take our social presence seriously and hope that you do the same. Therefore, we give our employees, business partners and others connected to ABENA the opportunity to report any suspected unethical conduct, such as financial crime, a serious breach of safety at work, physical violence, intimidating behavior or sexual harassment.   

Read more about our Whistleblower Hotline and Code of Ethical Conduct here.