ABENA and the environment

Preserving the environment is a top priority for ABENA. We have made it our business to provide sustainable products and solutions; from raw materials through manufacturing and use to final recycling or disposal.

Everyone talks about the environment – but we have made it our mission to walk the talk.  

Every aspect of our business is scrutinized in order to reduce our impact on the environment as much as possible. With ABENA as your partner, you are automatically making an effort to be kinder to nature - and that is an effort that you can document

Read about documentation

H2 Supplied by renewable energy

We realize that running a production facility can affect the environment and for that reason, we take every possible precaution to keep our impact at an absolute minimum. We want to become part of the solution to preserve the environment for future generations.  

One of the most important steps is to ensure a sustainable manufacturing of our products. That a product is made from eco-friendly raw materials has no real effect if the method of production is unsustainable.  

In 2020, we reached an important milestone by fully substituting our supply of electricity with renewable energy sources in our own production facilities in Denmark, Sweden and France. That means that we can give our products the cleanest possible beginning of their lifecycle while supporting green purchasing concepts.    

Read about our production

Preserving the future 

Through close dialogue with our customers, continuous product development, and introduction of new materials, we continue to make our products and production processes more sustainable for every day that goes by. And we still strive to do better. A lot of effort is also put on minimizing our waste, repurpose materials, and reducing CO2 emission levels.

Waste management 

We support a circular economy thinking and explore opportunities for reuse and recycling in close cooperation with suppliers, local utilities and recycling companies.  

We do not want to add to the global statistic of increasing amounts of waste. We see waste as a valuable resource and a source that sparks new innovative product ideas. Therefore, 86.4% of the waste from our main production facility in Denmark was recycled in 2018. The waste includes foil wrapping from raw materials and surplus textiles, which is collected and sold to recycling companies to be repurposed and transformed into new products. 

Responsible materials

We work hard to reduce our impact on the environment so that you can do the same. Did you for instance know that you can reduce CO2 emissions by 71% by choosing a paper cup with PE coating over the thin, white plastic cup that we all know? And that the number can be even higher if your cup is recycled after use and not incinerated, which the common practice in most countries?  

Our products meet strict standards for composition as well as raw materials. For instance, we use FSC™-certified (Forest Stewardship Council) paper materials, which means that the fluff in some of our incontinence products and baby diapers comes from FSC™-certified forests, where no more trees are felled than the forest can replicate.  

Read about our documentation and quality 


We are aware that the distribution of our products also comes at an environmental cost. To combat petrol fumes, and decrease the level of CO2 in the atmosphere, we use electric cars when delivering our parcels in selected Danish cities. That allows us to reduce the number of deliveries but more importantly, we minimizing health care related diseases caused by air pollution from heavy traffic.