Healthcare Clinics

We offer a wide range of products for all areas in the healthcare industry and beyond. Abena is MDR compliant. 


The safe and practical choice for every task

When you choose gloves from ABENA, we guarantee that all relevant standards have been met and that several tests have been carried out. ABENA's glove concept covers a wide range of medical gloves and protective gloves.

Guide: Choose the right glove

Bed protection​

Relieve the workload of the staff   

Disposable and washable bed protection makes every-day work easier for patients, residents, and healthcare-staff around the world. Bed protection provides comfort for the user while relieving the workload of the staff.

Product assortment

Get to know everything about MDR

MDR is for your safety. The rules have been strengthened and re-evaluated to protect the users of medical devices through increased transparency throughout the value chain.

Let us guide you

couch rolls

Reduce the risk of cross-contamination​

Couch rolls are used for the protection of e.g examination table. The couche rolls have an absorbent surface, as well as a liquid safe back sheet to prevent any liquid penetration. Can be used without dispenser. 
Product assortment


At ABENA, you are not just buying a product but a personalized and customized solution of doctor clinic supplies, where knowledge, documentation, training and workshops are a part of the package.

We will train you

You will be fully trained in how to use our health-care solutions in the best way possible. We have highly specialized nurses and product experts to guide you and your team in finding the most optimum solution for you.
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Save time with full documentation

Our product solutions always live up to government standards. We provide full documentation which is time-saving to our customers, as we supply the in-depth information upfront. 
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