Mouth guard from ABENA

ABENA offers medical mouth guards for healthcare environments or environments where high hygiene requirements are set. All our mouthguards are CE marked according to 2017/745/MDR, which means that they are approved as medical devices.

Code of conduct for suppliers

ABENA has established a responsible business policy to strengthen our work in running the business in an economically, socially responsible and environmentally friendly way.

We support the UN Global Compact, a voluntary initiative to promote general social, environmental and ethical principles. ABENA is also a member of BSCI – an international organization under the FTA that works for improved working conditions.

Our Code of Conduct consists of 11 areas to which we and our suppliers must commit and is an exact translation of the BSCI Code of Conduct which includes:

  • Freedom of association and the right to enter into collective agreements
  • Prohibition of discrimination
  • Reasonable salary
  • Reasonable working hours
  • Health and safety in the workplace
  • Ban on child labour
  • Special protection for young workers
  • Prohibition of insecure employment
  • Prohibition of forced labour
  • Protection of the environment
  • Ethical business conduct

More about mouth protection

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What is Your Challenge? 

Prevent infections in the health care sector

Each year, more than 4 million Europeans are affected by health care associated infections (HAIs). These infections have high costs, prolonging hospital stays and increasing risk of complications, disabilities and antibiotic resistance. With more than 37,000 deaths attributed to HAIs every year, there are more than enough reasons to pay extra attention to infection prevention.

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Personal Hygiene – key in infection prevention

Personal hygiene plays a key role in infection prevention in health care. But what is personal hygiene and how do you implement this in practice?

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Proper hand hygiene prevents spread of infection

Good hand hygiene is considered the single most important factor in preventing spread of infectious diseases.

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Choosing the right glove for the right task

With many different kinds of gloves on the market, choosing the right glove can be a daunting task. But the safe, sustainable and hygienic choice is to always use the right glove for the right task.

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