Facility Management Knowledge Center

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Guide: 8 Steps for Cleaning the Hotel Room

Hotels can be cleaned according to the guidelines of the hotel and the personal preferences of the housekeeper. To ensure consistency and uniformity in the way the rooms of the hotel are cleaned, it is a good idea to use a detailed step-by-step guide, which you can use as basis for training and instructing new employees.

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Guide: Clean Floors in 5 Steps

In every hospitality establishment, the daily number of footsteps on the floors is high. This requires high standards for cleaning and maintenance to keep the floors clean, hygienic, and welcoming.

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Sorting at the Source

Industry, consumers, and legislators are increasingly demanding source separation and sustainability. Optimizing source separation has great environmental and economic advantages.

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Your Shortcut to Ecolabelled Cleaning

An ecolabelled cleaning solution protects you, your surroundings, and the environment from unnecessary exposure to toxic substances.

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Waste Management Guide - Choose the Right Waste Bag for Your Needs

By choosing the correct waste bag, you can reduce plastic consumption while also saving on costs.

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Housekeeping Guide: 5 Steps to Perfectly Cleaned Furniture and Hard Surfaces

Hotel rooms are designed to match the need of the guest and to accommodate this, furniture such as desks, shelves and nightstands are often part of the interior decoration. Th different furniture in hotel rooms presents different demands to the cleaning of the room in order to prevent dirt and dust on surfaces. Below you will find 5 easy steps to ensure perfectly cleaned furniture.

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Guide: A Spotless Bathroom in 10 Easy Steps

The bathroom is one of the most important rooms to keep clean in order to maintain a good image for your establishment. A bathroom can be a source of many different kinds of bacteria, which makes it extremely important to follow proper procedures and clean in a standardized and professional way. Below, you will find 10 easy steps for how to get a spotless bathroom.

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Hotel Housekeeping – Your Guide to Easy and Timesaving Cleaning

Hotel management consists of many aspects, all of which must be at their peak to provide your guests with the best hotel experience. One aspect that is always important is cleaning and hygiene. Read on for tips on standardizing your cleaning and housekeeping.

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