Hygiene Solutions for Food Industries

Maintaining high hygiene standards is crucial for any food industry but also resource-intensive in cost and time. Our hygiene products provide cost-efficient and straightforward solutions that make it easy for your company to follow hygiene standards and maintain food safety.

Reduce product consumption 

Most of our soap and disinfection dispensers are designed to dispense just the right amount of product to meet hygiene standards - killing bacteria while minimizing product waste. 

This way, your company can reduce product consumption through controlled dispensing - effectively managing resources and saving money. 

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How can you reduce downtime?

Ensure seamless operation and save time during your food production with dispensers that are easy to mount, refill, and clean.  

In our assortment you will find:

  • Dispensers that only require a few screws to set up which makes them easy to mount and remove.
  • Dispensers that are designed so it is easy to keep an eye on soap usage without opening it, enabling timely refills and preventing interruptions during production. 

Want more information on our range of soaps and disinfections?

Download our one-pager

Get complete hygiene solutions 

As your employees wash their hands frequently to avoid contamination and harmful micro-organisms, their hands tend to dry out and become chapped.  This often causes your employees inconvenience and poses a risk to your company's food safety, as dried-out and chapped skin is more susceptible to small cuts and wounds that allow bacteria to get in.  

For this reason, we provide not only soaps, disinfections, and dispensers but also hand creams that moisturize your employees' skin during work and restore it after work.   

View our food industry catalog and find the right solution for your company. 

Find everything you need at ABENA 

We provide the complete hygiene solution, from soap and disinfection to skincare and paper towels, so you can purchase everything you need in one place. With only one supplier, i.e. ABENA, you avoid time-consuming and costly purchasing processes. 

Explore ABENA one-stop-shop

Guide on hand washing 

We understand that it is crucial your employees wash their hands thoroughly to avoid cross-contamination and the spread of harmful micro-organisms. Here is how we recommend they wash their hands most efficiently:

  1. Rinse your hands under clean, warm, running water, removing visible dirt.   
  2. Apply soap on the palm, between fingers, on each finger, on the back of your hand and around your wrists.
  3. Wash your hands for at least 15 seconds. Wash all surfaces of your hands - from the fingertips to your wrists.   
  4. Rinse thoroughly with running water.   
  5. Use a paper towel to dry your hands thoroughly.
  6. With the same paper towel, turn off the faucet.

Choose paper towels rather than a hand dryer. Hand dryers not only blow water off your hands but also disperse excess bacteria into the surrounding area. 

Get a tailored solution 

Depending on your local needs and regulatory requirements, we offer a range of hygiene products designed to meet your various regional standards. We ensure that our hygiene solutions are tailor-made for your company’s needs. 

Learn about ABENA