ABENA as your professional partner!

When you buy from ABENA, you don't just get a product – you also get access to a world of dedicated product specialists with years of experience, more than 36,000 products of the highest quality and all the documentation you could possibly need.

The ABENA One-stop-shop makes it easy for you to buy everything you need in one place, which ensures consistently good quality in all your facilities.

You will find a wide range of products and solutions for food production in gloves, personal protective equipment, hygiene and cleaning. We are a global company with subsidiaries in 15 countries and our customer service can help you whether it's local or international issues.

Making you satisfied is our main goal

We offer full documentation and transparency, allowing you as a customer to focus less on legislation and documentation and more on what you do best.

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A solution-focused partner

Our aim is to make both you and your business happy!

When you do business with ABENA, you work together with a competent team of people who have extensive experience in food production. They help you find just the right solutions for your specific needs.

Our quality assurance process includes everything from design and production to the production of documentation. We test all levels in the creation of the individual product. And before your products even leave the factory, our local ABENA employees perform quality assurance on each container. In this way, we ensure that the quality we deliver is the same every time you receive goods from us.

You can trust that ABENA always acts as a responsible, adaptable and professional partner. Making you satisfied is our main goal. Contact us to start a collaboration today.

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