Dignified continence care is within reach

More dignified care. Improved health. A good night’s sleep. ABENA NOVA can improve quality of life for a loved one in your life.

Over the last decade, the use of wearable sensors has become increasingly common and digital products are now finding their way into daily routines in healthcare. In several countries, nursing homes and institutions are already experimenting with using new, digital solutions and more and more are ready to implement it in their operations.

The results are remarkable and promising and prove that digitization of incontinence care means that care is becoming more individualized. Through greater comfort day and night, better health and more time for care, digital incontinence care has a positive impact on the quality of life for both residents and caregivers.
Individual incontinence care
ABENA Nova with MediSens is one of the leading digital incontinence solutions. ABENA Nova consists of a high-quality incontinence product with built-in sensors that continuously monitor humidity levels. A small clip attached to the product sends the information to the healthcare staff via an app on their mobile device. In this way, the care staff can see which care recipient needs a change and act accordingly

The information collected about the individual patient is then used for optimal planning of incontinence care, e.g. how to ensure a good night's sleep and good toilet routines.

ABENA Nova is a safe solution, before use the care recipient or relatives consent to the use of the product.

Read more about ABENA Nova.

ABENA Nova changes incontinence care

  • More valuable care, less stress, fewer manual checks.
  • A good night sleep.
  • Improved health, reduced risk of skin irritation and infections.
  • More time for individualized care.

Are you ready to learn more?

Explore how digital incontinence care improves care and quality of life, based on practical experience from several healthcare institutions that have tested and implemented ABENA Nova with MediSens. Download the whitepaper here.

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What is Your Challenge? 

ABENA Nova - Digitalized incontinence care

Incontinence is one of the biggest challenges in the healthcare sector. Continence care is time-consuming and physically demanding for health care providers, and for residents, incontinence may cause physical discomfort and reduced quality of life.

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All about incontinence

Incontinence is the involuntary loss or leakage of urine or feces. Incontinence can affect anyone and can have various causes. It is not a disease, but a symptom.

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Preventing urine odor in care facilities and nursing homes

The odor of urine can be an unpleasant side effect in any home or care facility where incontinence is a factor. Preventing odor is important for quality of life of residents and health care workers alike. Find out what causes urine odors and how good continence care can help prevent unpleasant odors.

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Skin problems and incontinence

Incontinence is uncomfortable enough in itself, but all people with incontinence are also at risk of developing uncomfortable skin conditions such as IAD (Incontinence Associated Dermatitis).

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