Incontinence Associated Dermatitis

Anyone who lives with incontinence is also at risk of developing uncomfortable skin conditions such as Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD). Learn more about IAD, its causes and symptoms, and how to prevent it through our three-step process.

What is IAD? 

Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD) is a condition that occurs when the skin is damaged as a result of exposure to urine and/or feces. Colloquially IAD is also known as diaper rash. Several factors may contribute to the development of IAD. These include infrequent change of incontinence pads (causing a moist environment), poor hygiene, use of non-breathable absorbent incontinence products, incorrect use of skin care products, or frequent use of soap, water, and rough washcloths and towels (causing excess friction). 

The skin becomes more alkaline when exposed to urine and/or feces, allowing microorganisms to thrive which increases the risk of skin problems.


Symptoms of IAD

IAD typically appears as erythema (redness of the skin) ranging in color from pink to red.

The affected area usually has frayed edges and the skin may feel warmer and firmer due to the underlying inflammation. 

Patients can experience symptoms ranging from discomfort and pain to insomnia and, if not treated, it can lead to secondary infections. These are disabling for the patient; treating them can be complicated, time-consuming, and expensive.

Patients with urinary and/or fecal incontinence should have their skin checked regularly, preferably daily, for any signs of IAD.


Differentiating IAD from pressure ulcers

Although IAD and pressure ulcers are clinically and pathologically different, differentiating them from each other remains a major challenge for nurses and caregivers.

If a wrong diagnosis is made, it can lead to suboptimal or wrong care and unnecessary costs. In addition, the preventive measures and treatments differ for the two conditions. 

Main differences between IAD and pressure ulcers:

  IAD Pressure Ulcer
Location  Skin folds, buttocks, inner thighs, groin Usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure
Color Pink or bright red Red to bluish/purple
Depth  Partial thickness, blistering Partial or full thickness, injuring
Cause Top-down damage caused by moisture and pH change Bottom-up damage caused by pressure and poor blood circulation
Skin Necrosis No Yes/No
Pain and itching Yes Yes/No

Who is at risk of developing IAD? 

All patients or residents with incontinence are at risk of developing IAD, but it is particularly people over the age of 65 who suffer from the condition. 

It is estimated that nearly 1 in 5 people with incontinence also have problems with IAD*.


How to prevent IAD

The good news is that, when treated early, incontinence-associated skin problems can be reduced and cured – and in most cases even prevented. A lot can be done by following a structured skin care program and using appropriate products that protect the skin in the perineal area.

We have divided the prevention of IAD into three steps:

  • Step 1: Breathable protection
  • Step 2: Gentle cleansing
  • Step 3: Moisture and barrier 

Step 1: Breathable protection  

The first step in preventing IAD is to choose the right incontinence product.

We always recommend choosing a product as small as possible and as large as necessary. This concerns both the size and absorbency of the product. A large product, that can absorb more, is not always better.

Besides being more wasteful, it can also be uncomfortable for the patient to wear a product that is too big. A larger product also covers more skin than needed, preventing the skin from breathing, and resulting in it being warm and moist. If the product doesn’t fit snugly on the patient, there is also the risk of leakages.

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right incontinence pad. The patient needs a product that is suitable for the amount and frequency he/she leaks, but it is equally important that the product is suitable for their everyday life, activity level, and personal preferences. Many people find that it is best to use a range of different products at different times of the day and for different activities.

However, it is always crucial to choose a product that allows the users’ skin to breathe, so that moisture can evaporate, and the skin is kept dry. In addition, it is also important to choose incontinence products that quickly absorb urine and keeps the inner layer dry against the skin even after multiple voids.

If you need help finding the right product for a patient, try our Incontinence Product Selector or contact us, and we would be happy to help. 

Vad är IAD?

Inkontinensassocierad dermatit (IAD) är ett tillstånd som uppstår när huden skadas till följd av exponering för urin och/eller avföring. I vardagsspråk kallas IAD ofta blöjeksem.

Flera faktorer kan bidra till utvecklingen av IAD, som till exempel att byten av inkontinensprodukter sker för sällan (vilket skapar en fuktig miljö), dålig hygien, användning av absorberande produkter som inte andas, felaktig användning av hudvårdsprodukter, eller frekvent användning av tvål, vatten och grova tvättlappar och/eller handdukar (som skapar överdriven friktion).

Huden blir mer alkalisk när den exponeras för urin och/eller avföring. Det leder till att mikroorganismer frodas vilket ökar risken för hudinfektioner.


Symtom på IAD 

Det drabbade området är vanligtvis rosa eller rödaktigt med fläckiga kanter och kan ha sprickor eller ytskador. Huden kan kännas varmare och fastare på grund av den underliggande inflammationen.

Patienter kan uppleva symtom som sträcker sig från obehag och smärta till sömnlöshet och om de inte behandlas kan det leda till sekundära infektioner. Sekundära infektioner är invalidiserande för patienten och att behandla dem kan vara komplicerat, tidskrävande och dyrt.

Patienter med urin- och/eller avföringsinkontinens bör få sin hud undersökt och kontrollerad regelbundet, helst dagligen, för eventuella tecken på IAD.

Skillnaden mellan IAD och trycksår 

Även om IAD och trycksår är kliniskt och patologiskt olika, är det fortfarande en stor utmaning för sjuksköterskor och vårdgivare att skilja dem från varandra.

Om en felaktig diagnos ställs kan det leda till suboptimal eller fel vård och onödiga kostnader. Dessutom skiljer sig de förebyggande åtgärderna och behandlingarna för de två tillstånden.

Step 2: Gentle cleansing 

Gentle cleaning of the skin is especially vital as a part of a regimen to prevent IAD.

Cleaning the skin with traditional soap and water can dry out the skin and drying with a towel causes increased friction in the sensitive area.

Cleansing with wet wash gloves or wet wipes is recommended, as it is gentler on the skin. At the same time, washing without water products also improves efficiency in daily care.

When choosing a cleansing product, it is essential to look at its pH value. The pH value has to be adjusted depending on where on the body the product needs to be used. For the perineal area, a pH value of 4-4,5 is ideal. A pH value higher than that removes the skin’s top layer of fat and allows bacteria to get in.

When cleansing the skin, it is always important to screen it for any potential damage such as rashes or redness, to assess the severity and development of IAD, and to ensure the patient has not developed pressure ulcers.

ABENA´s green skincare range consists of products for washing without water. It has been developed in close cooperation with end users, care staff, and our nurse specialists. It includes solutions for all needs, from light cleansing tasks to full body wash. Explore it here.

Step 3: Moisture and barrier application

After thorough and gentle cleansing of the skin, apply moisture and barrier to help restore and protect the skin.

Before applying moisture, make sure the skin is completely clean and dry.

When choosing the product to use, it is important to evaluate the skin’s condition. 

If the skin has no visible damage or only mild redness, go for products with allantoin and dimethicone, such as ABENA’s skincare ointment. Allantoin is a calming and moisturizing agent, that helps the skin sustain its natural moisture balance and is beneficial for all skin types. Combined with dimethicone it helps form a protective barrier on top of the skin that protects and calms at the same time.


However, if the skin has visible wounds or more pronounced redness, use a product that contains zinc. Zinc forms a protective layer on top of the skin which keeps moisture in, and it also has antiseptic properties. Apply a zinc paste around the edges of wounds, meanwhile, a thinner zinc solution, such as ABENA’s zinc spray can be used to protect against urine and feces.

When applying skincare, be sure to apply the correct amount. Too much product prevents the skin from breathing and ends up being absorbed into the incontinence product, making it less effective.

ABENA’s grey range of skincare range is especially suitable for protecting sensitive skin. Explore it here.

Are you looking for skincare products to help handling the issue of IAD?

Then take a look at ABENA's free Skincare Sample Kit

IAD - Order sample kit

Screen the skin

After completing the three steps for IAD prevention, it’s time to apply a new incontinence product. Follow the three steps, every time an incontinence product needs to be changed, and always screen the skin for redness, inflammation, rashes, pain, or itching to assess the severity and development of IAD, and to ensure the patient has not developed pressure ulcers.
Regular screening ensures that caregivers notice changes and developments in the skin and can set in with the right preventive measure in time to avoid further development. 

*All sources are available upon request. This article has been written in collaboration with in-house nurses at ABENA.

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Hur du väljer rätt inkontinensskydd

Faktorer att tänka på för att välja rätt inkontinensskydd. Det finns många faktorer att tänka på för att välja rätt inkontinensskydd. Det kan vara faktorer som kön, livsstil och typ av inkontinens. Många är till exempel osäkra på om kroppsformade skydd eller engångsbyxor är rätt lösning med hänsyn till livsstil och vet inte hur man hittar rätt absorptionsnivå eller produktstorlek.  

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Typer av inkontinens

Inkontinens kan ha olika orsaker. Att förstå den underliggande orsaken och typen av inkontinens är avgörande för att förstå de olika behandlingar och produkter som finns tillgängliga.

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ABENA Nova - Ett värdigt liv med inkontinens

ABENA Nova med MediSens förbättrar livskvaliteten och minskar arbetsbelastningen för vårdgivare. 

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Att förebygga urinlukt på vårdboenden och äldreboenden

Lukten av urin kan vara en oönskad bieffekt i de hem eller vårdboenden där inkontinens är en faktor. Att förebygga lukt är viktigt för både boendes och vårdpersonals livskvalitet. Ta reda på vad som orsakar urinlukt och hur bra inkontinensvård kan bidra till att förhindra oönskad lukt. 

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