Dignified Continence Care

Takes the load off many shoulders.

With ABENA Nova, caregivers make 28% fewer changes
and a staggering 84% fewer manual checks, leaving
more time for individual care*.

For Caregivers

As a caregiver, you run fast to do your absolute best to provide the best care possible. We want to support you in your vital job and help lighten your load. That is why we have developed the continence care of tomorrow - ABENA Nova.

Digital Continence Care Makes it Manageable

Digital continence care relieves caregivers of the physical strain of continence care while freeing up time for personal care.

It’s Time to do Things Smarter

Wouldn’t it be nice to have the time needed to have a cup of coffee, talk about memories, and put a smile on someone’s face? We know that continence care takes up more of your time and energy than you would like. Time away from the personalised care that you are passionate about giving. 

Digitalised continence care can help let incontinence take the back seat in your workday and in residents’ lives. You can’t run any faster – Instead, it is time to do things smarter.

With Abena Nova there's

Less Stress and Strain

The automatic tracking of saturation levels enables caregivers to take timely action, preventing leakages and time-consuming and straining changes of clothing and bedding.

Average results from a number of case studies show that caregivers make 28% fewer changes and 84% fewer manual checks. This significantly reduces the physical strain of continence care tasks.

At the same time, the psychological strain of caregiving can also be reduced as the optimised changing process may reduce the number of conflicts with residents, who are uncooperative when checking or changing their incontinence product, such as people living with Dementia.

With abena nova there's

More Time for Personalised Care

As a healthcare professional, you are passionate about providing care that comforts and improves the quality of life for your residents or patients. However, an increasing workload can make it difficult to deliver the personalised care that you want.

Digital solutions allow you to scrap fixed changing rounds, replacing these with personalised continence care adapted to the individual’s urination and sleep patterns.

ABENA Nova has been proven to save, on average, 39 minutes per day per user. This time can be spent on other care tasks that increase the quality of life for residents.

Improved Planning of Continence Care

Digital continence care optimises daily routines, but it is also a valuable tool when new residents arrive. The digital aid tracks urination patterns, and this information can be used to quickly set up personalised care routines, including good toileting habits.
Furthermore, digital solutions enable caregivers to provide continence care only when it is needed, allowing incontinence to take the back seat in staff and residents’ lives, leading to improved well-being.

The best continence care

Because We Care

The benefits of digital continence care.

The information collected about the individual resident is used for planning the best and most dignified continence care, e.g., ensuring better nights, fewer leakages, and good toileting routines for every resident.

Because we care, ABENA Nova is a secure solution for urinary incontinence. Before use, the resident or relatives always consent to the use of the product.

The solution


Solvang Nursing Home

At a nursing home, Plejecenter Solvang in Denmark, the work surrounding continence care has been significantly relieved. The intelligent incontinence product, ABENA Nova, has led to fewer lifts, fewer manual checks, and fewer products used.

“With ABENA Nova we have been able to reduce the daily number of lifts because the incontinence product is only changed when it needs to be.”

– Carina Hille, Caregiver, Nursing Home Solvang

Read the case


The implementation

How to Get Started

To get started, all it takes is 1-2 hours of introduction to the system and practice in using the clip and app.

When the system is up and running, it allows caregivers to act independently on real-time information and schedule routines around the individual resident or patient.

Ready to learn more?

Download our whitepaper

Explore how digital continence care improves care and quality of life, based on the practical experiences from several care institutions that have tested and implemented ABENA Nova with MediSens.

Download whitepaper

Tested at nursing homes and specialty care institutions

Unique Results Have Been Demonstrated 

Thoroughly tested on more than 1 million incontinence products.