Prevent infections in the healthcare sector

Each year, more than 4 million Europeans are affected by healthcare associated infections (HAIs). These infections have high costs, prolonging hospital stays and increasing risk of complications, disabilities and antibiotic resistance. With more than 37,000 deaths attributed to HAIs every year, there are more than enough reasons to pay extra attention to infection prevention.

First aid for infection prevention

At ABENA we help healthcare professionals prevent the spread of infections by sharing our knowledge. We help you to be alert to the transmission of microbes, to take the right measures and to use the right products. This way you minimise the risk of contamination.

What is infection prevention?

Infection prevention is the active process of preventing the spread of infections and antimicrobial resistance, also known as infectious disease control. Infection prevention and hygiene go hand-in-hand as two of the main pillars for preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

Infections in healthcare have major consequences for the affected healthcare institutions. Every year, healthcare associated infections cause unnecessary suffering and increasing medical costs for millions of patents and their families around the world. These infections prolong hospital stays, increase the risk of complications, increase resistant to antibiotics, and results in unnecessary deaths and massive financial losses in the healthcare system.

ABENA’s 4 tips to help prevent infection

Together we can ensure of a safe workplace by keeping the following tips in mind:

  1. Avoid cross contamination: Never bring anything contaminated into contact with something clean.
  2. Clean or discard:  What is contaminated must be either cleaned or thrown away.
  3. Ensure basic hygiene: apply proper personal - and hand hygiene.
  4. Protect yourself: Use the right protective wear and the right gloves in the right way.

Prevent infections with principles and standards for infection prevention

ABENA product specialists are in daily contact with healthcare institutions. They work alongside healthcare professionals, advising them on how to use products and provide clients with the best care. When it comes to hygiene in the healthcare industry, they see a lot of things going well, but they also see a lot of things that could be going better.

It could be small things, such as wearing the wrong gloves during care situations, or not fitting and stretching protective clothing properly. As a result, there is a greater chance of transmission of microbes and thus the beginning of an infection.

Multidrug resistant organisms (MDRO)

Multidrug resistant organisms (MDRO) are a growing problem in the healthcare sector. What is antibiotic resistance, why is it a problem and what does it mean for you as a healthcare professional?

Find out here

Hand hygiene

Practice proper hand hygiene especially after patient contact or use of the bathroom. Check out our guidelines for hand hygiene and find out why personal hygiene is essential in infection prevention

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Infection prevention products

Infection prevention starts with the right products and procedures, from protective wear such as scrub suits and mouth masks to skin care products and waste management. See some of our highly recommended products, and learn how and when to use them correctly.

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Wear the correct gloves for all care procedures and change the gloves when they are visibly dirty and whenever leaving the patient or residents room.  

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Infectious diseases

Learn more about common infectious diseases and how to prevent them, so you can help minimise the risk of contamination in your workplace

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