Solvang Nursing Home

At the nursing home Plejecenter Solvang in Denmark, the work surrounding incontinence care has been significantly relieved. The intelligent incontinence product, ABENA Nova, has led to fewer lifts, fewer manual checks, and fewer products used.

Caregiver, Carina Hille, who is the lead on the ABENA Nova project, shares her experience with ABENA Nova.

Improved Working Environment

“We have seen great benefits of using ABENA Nova, particularly for our immobile residents. It is physically straining to check and change an incontinence product on a person who cannot assist in the process themselves. The many lifts associated with it eat away at the energy of both caregivers and residents. With ABENA Nova we have been able to reduce the daily number of lifts because the incontinence product is only changed when it needs to be,” Carina Hille shares.
“In the same way, ABENA Nova has also relieved the work process with residents who are unable to communicate with caregivers when their incontinence product needs to be changed. Previously we had to change and check the incontinence product of these residents more frequently to be on the safe side. With ABENA Nova we don’t have to worry about anyone sitting in a wet product because the information is readily available to us,” Carina Hille says.
Combined, the reduction in manual checks and changes has saved the staff both time and physical strain without compromising the quality of care – on the contrary! 

“With ABENA Nova we have been able to reduce the daily number of lifts because the incontinence product is only changed when it needs to be.” 

– Carina Hille, Caregiver, Nursing Home Solvang

Easier Planning

“With ABENA Nova it is also easier to get an overview of when a resident’s incontinence product has been changed last, how many times during the day it has been changed, and how much or how little urination they have had. This allows for a good flow in the continence care tasks, because everyone is up to date,” Carina Hilleexplains. 

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