The Digital Drinking Glass

AQUATIME - A new innovative solution to support people’s health, well-being and self-reliance. 

Since 1960 ABENA has been your Global Healthcare Partner. Our aim is to increase quality of life for the user while making the job of caregivers and healthcare professionals easier. The Digital Drinking Glass developed by AQUATIME fits into this vision. This digital solution makes your job as a caregiver easier since it eliminates manual monitoring of liquid intake.

Let's work together for a brighter future for all in healthcare.


Why choose digital monitoring of liquid intake:

  •  Save time by minimizing manual monitoring tasks
  • Allocate more time for providing the best possible care
  • Improve data quality regarding liquid intake
  • User-friendly for staff as well as residents
How it works (evt VIDEO)

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AQUATIME Two-pager

The Digital Drinking Glass


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Digital Products for Better Care


Digital Products for Better Care

Well-being for residents and caregivers

ABENA is all about innovation and increasing quality of life in healthcare. Hence The Digital Drinking Glass is not the only digital innovative solution we have to support people’s health, well-being and self-reliance. ABENA Nova is the Digital Continence Care that lets you know when it is time for a change. We aime to deliver products for caregivers to provide the best care possible, regardless where the care is needed - being at home or in a nursing home. This is exactly why we have developed ABENA Nova - The future of continence care! Let’s work together for a brighter future in healthcare for all.

Digital Incontinence Care